
Arvid Roach

Arvid sees life as a beautiful and bizarre mystery that needs many different perspectives to fully comprehend. He is determined to find and embody a different perspective. When he is not reading a history book or listening to music, Arvid enjoys taking pictures, pruning bonsai trees, knolling his gear, and collecting mechanical keyboards. Arvid was born and homeschooled in Virginia before attending Drexel University for his BS in Product Design. He now works for GE Appliances and lives in Louisville with his wife Zouza Al Chalabi.
Personal Brand

Arvid seeks to create and visualize new ideas

in the service of larger ideals, to communicate with clarity and respect, and to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and craftsmanship.

  • Vision
    A fulfilling life, lived clearly and conscientiously.
  • Mission
    To expand the mind through learning and exploration,
    and to achieve creative and technical excellence.
  • Culture
    A home to reason, with mutual respect and dedication.
  • Values
    Honesty, education, compassion, and independence.
  • Promise
    The clear truth, a generous spirit, and high standards.
  • Tone
    Calm, loving, and confident with intent to inform and inspire.


The world is noisy — a reflection of our collective thought process. For designers, this chaos is difficult to live in. Designers seek to bring structure and purpose to their surroundings. In an attempt to understand the overwhelming complexity of the material world, they recreate it piece by piece according to their spiritual ideal. The creative soul, guided by the conscious and subconscious forces of reason and intuition, is compelled to answer two fundamental questions: "Why?" and "How?" For Arvid, the "Why" is: Life is beautiful, and to fully connect with it, one must find and create beauty. The "How" is: through clarity, consistency, and quality.

Arvid is a student of Objectivism,

the philosophy of Ayn Rand. The principles of objectivity & rationality direct his approach to life and design. The logical result is a respect for the individual & for beauty.

  • Metaphysics
    The Primacy of Existence (Reality exists independently of human consciousness).
  • Epistemology
    Reason & Logic (as man's only means of cognition).
  • Ethics
    Ethical Egoism (Rational self interest).
  • Politics
    Individual rights (Property, Speech) & Free Markets (Laissez-Faire Capitalism).
  • Aesthetics
    Romantic Realism (Art that celebrates human existence, with the individual as Hero).